4 Reasons Champagne Is Good For You

1. Improve Heart Health
Similar to red wine, champagne is good for your heart. It is made from red and white grapes, which contains similar antioxidants that help to prevent damage to your blood vessels and prevent blood clots.

Image by My Truong
2. Improve Short-Term Memory
Research from the University of Columbia shown that champagne has proteins that benefit short-term memory. Consume an adequate amount of three glasses per week can help improve retaining short-term memory.
Image by My Truong
3. Improve Mood
Are you feeling burnout from working or studying for an exam? Have a glass of champagne it will help improve your mood because it contains magnesium, potassium, and zinc.

Image by Gabriela Palai
4. Few calories
Planning to diet, while enjoys drinking alcohol, then a glass of champagne is right for you. In a glass of champagne that contains around 4 ounces have only 95 calories.


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