Beer of the Week- Goose Green Line Pale Ale by Goose Island Brewery

Looks and pours a very nice copper/orange color, great clarity, with a one finger soft white head.

Smell is faint, slight citrus scent, not much hop aroma.

Taste is sweet malt up front, almost no hop presence at first. A few sips later the sweetness fades and the hops start to show through. Minimal hop bite (this might be due to the fact that I have been drinking many hop HEAVY beers for the last few weeks), nothing compared to an IPA or even the top APA's. 

Mouthfeel initially is chewy with that sweet malt up front, but as you drink it the beer becomes thinner and thinner. Minimal carbonation on tongue.

Drink-ability is very high, could drink this all night. Not filling at all and with the 5% abv, it is very easy to knock these back.

Overall a great Chicago based brewery and beer. You can find this beer at various Boston sports venues like TD Garden and Fenway.  


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