Top 3 Health Benefits of a Guinness Beer

Image by @merethesvarstadeeg

1. Fruit and vegetable content

Guinness that provides antioxidant compounds this slow down the cholesterol on artery walls and reduce the risk of a heart attack for reducing blood clots.

2. Iron Content 

Guinness per beer, there are 0.3 milligrams of iron this satisfy adult's daily iron consumption. 

3. Maintain a healthy bone

Guinness give the hormone phytoestrogen, this is a key hormone to build bone density.

Image by RBPhotography

Guinness is an Irish stout that originated from Dublin, Ireland and it is manufactured by Arthur Guinness brewery company. The texture of a Guinness beer is a deep brown with light foam. A Guinness beer is made from water, barley, roast malt extract, hops, and brewer’s yeast. A portion of the barley is roasted to give Guinness a deep brown texture and the barley is pasteurized which filtered barley to make it safe for consumption.


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