Craft Beer Hotel? (Video in description)

Are you a fan of craft beer and enjoy a nice hotel once in awhile? Well your in luck, a Scottish brewery by the name of BrewDog is creating its very own craft beer hotel in Columbus, Ohio. It is called, "the DogHouse" and it will provide a unique experience to all who stay. While it is still a hotel, "the DogHouse" offers several amenities and features that you will not find anywhere else. For example, every overnight room is equipped with an individual tap. Also, what is a hotel without a hot tub? This place offers a hot tub but with a twist, instead of being filled with water its filled with a IPA made from the brewery. The hotel also offers deluxe breakfast, lunch, and dinner with a similar twist. All meals are infused with some type of their craft beer which allows for the continuation of the craft beer experience throughout all parts of the day.

It is definitely a unique experience and one that most craft beer enthusiasts will be sure to enjoy. BrewDog brewery is not only going to be opening this hotel in Columbus, Ohio, but they are also opening a similar one in Scotland. A nice story to go behind this hotel launch, is that the brewery actually started this project via crowdfunding. This makes it clear that with the money they received, there is clearly numerous people who want to enjoy an experience like this one.

Credit: Faima Bakar

Hotel, Valencia, Architecture, Sky, City


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